Alcohol and Weight Gain: Causes, Relationship, and Solutions

does vodka cause weight gain

These sugar alcohols are not fully digestible, so they pass into the colon, where they may be fermented by the bacteria there, which may lead to bloating. Low-calorie alcoholic drinks or beverages may contain sugar alcohols. There are several direct and indirect ways that heavy drinking can make you gain weight or, more specifically, gain body fat. Establishing clear limits on alcohol intake is essential for successful weight management. Familiarize yourself with standard drink sizes and set a maximum number for a given occasion. This proactive approach aids in controlling calorie intake and minimizes the risk of overconsumption.

Alcohol can negatively affect your sleep

Studies have shown that vodka can help reduce the risk of stroke and heart attacks. The combination also may cause nausea, drowsiness, or lack of coordination. It even may put you at risk for respiratory problems, internal bleeding, or heart problems. Vodka is most frequently consumed as part of a cocktail, served very cold, or enjoyed neat, meaning straight from the bottle unchilled.

Alcohol Disrupts Digestive System

does vodka cause weight gain

“REM sleep is important for things like learning and brain health, and while that might suffer you may feel rested.” So your mileage may vary if you drink vodka every night. Alcohol bloating can happen when a high alcohol intake causes stomach acid levels to rise. This can lead to inflammation and irritation of the stomach lining, knowns as acute gastritis. In the longer term, alcohol consumption can contribute to chronic gastritis, where persistently high levels of stomach acid cause stomach ulcers to develop. If you have discomfort due to occasional alcohol bloating, over-the-counter antacids, such as Alka Seltzer, may help settle the stomach.

How To Avoid Gaining Weight The Day After Drinking

This can contribute to weight gain, especially when alcohol is consumed regularly and in excess. A recent animal study found that mice given ethanol over a period of three days demonstrated a significant increase in food intake. This study suggests that alcohol can actually trigger hunger signals in the brain, leading to an increased urge to eat more food. Research has found that elevated cortisol levels may increase abdominal weight gain.

Liver damage

does vodka cause weight gain

The reasons could be due to the way in which alcohol interferes with energy metabolism. Alcohol consumption causes increased levels of triglycerides in the blood, which can also contribute to weight gain. Additionally, alcohol affects the way the body metabolizes food, which can lead to increased hunger and overeating. Furthermore, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver disease, which can also be a risk factor for weight gain. The association between alcohol intake and body weight is generally stronger in men than women [15], especially because of the amount and type of alcohol consumed by men.

does vodka cause weight gain

What Do Sober People Do For Fun? 21 Alcohol-Free Ideas

does vodka cause weight gain

This is why you enthusiastically shove cold slices of pizza in your face the day after drinking. So to recap where we are currently, you’ve just consumed anywhere from 1,000-2,000 calories at the pub, and now you’re inhaling another 1,500-2,000 calories of high fat, high sodium food. Drinkaware has a wonderful, reality-inducing tool that lets you calculate exactly how many calories you’re consuming when you go for drinks. If you only drink one vodka cocktail every night, you’re not going to wind up slurring your speech or stumbling around. But if you are knocking back shot after shot, that can have a real impact on your cognitive function, according to Dr. Nick Knight.

Drinking Vodka for Weight Loss

  • If you’ve ever had a hangover before, you know full well just how horrible they can be.
  • Changes in your hair or skin color while taking Votrient aren’t harmful.
  • Even drinking a little too much (binge drinking) on occasion can set off a chain reaction that affects your well-being.

Many alcoholic beverages come with added sugars in the form of syrups or sugary mixers that can quickly add up when you’re drinking over a period of time. Add all of this together and it’s easy to see how drinking heavily can cause you to gain weight over time. That doesn’t mean you have to totally swear off alcohol if you want to lose weight—you just need to be smart about drinking. “The extra calories from moderate drinking (one serving of alcohol for women a day or two servings for men per day) can certainly fit into the calorie allotment for weight maintenance,” Angelone says.

You’ve likely considered what you’re eating, what you’re not eating and of course, how much you’re moving. And if you drink alcohol, you may have thought about that as well. Still, the amount, frequency, and type of alcohol you consume, as well as other factors, may all determine whether you gain weight. Also, more research is needed to understand exactly how much alcohol can affect weight.

does vodka cause weight gain

If you drink vodka every night, you could increase your risk for cancer

  • These symptoms require immediate medical care because they can become life threatening.
  • This can greatly affect the metabolism of organs that play a role in weight management.
  • Alcohol bloating due to acute gastritis usually disappears within a few days, but chronic gastritis symptoms can last months or even years.
  • “That’s why people talk about having an increased tolerance to alcohol, because the liver has adapted to cope with it.”
  • Alcohol is known to lower inhibitions, impairing the logical decision-making sections of your brain like the prefrontal cortex.
  • Here is a detailed overview of treatment and recovery options, including their effectiveness and practical advice for those seeking help.

Alcohol is known to lower inhibitions, impairing the logical decision-making sections of your brain like the prefrontal cortex. That can make it easy to inadvertently consume more calories than you need. Despite containing a lot of energy, alcohol also doesn’t have the same satiating effect does alcohol make you gain weight as solid food. Flavored vodka is especially dangerous because it’s often higher in sugar than regular vodka or other spirits, with around 10-35g of sugar per 100 ml, depending on the brand and flavor. You might not know this, but vodka is not necessarily bad for your cardiovascular health.

It’s not just your digestive organs that can be damaged from drinking too much vodka every night. Rather, pretty much every organ in your body takes a beating when you overindulge in alcohol in different ways, and none of them are pretty. Of course, if you’re just having a moderate amount of vodka every day, you’re probably not going to feel sick all the time. In fact, having a serving of alcohol every day can boost your immune system, according to Medical News Today when reporting on a study published in the journal Vaccine. But if you’re drinking a lot, there’s a good chance you’re going to catch whatever is going around — and that’s definitely not a good thing. So, if you want to drink vodka every night, don’t do so in excess.



